Springdale Schools supports and promotes mental health awareness and mental health resources to ensure the following standards for our students and families:

  1. Improved academic performance: Mental health and well-being are closely tied to academic success. When students have access to mental health resources and support, they are more likely to have positive attitudes towards school, better focus, and improved grades.

  2. Reduced stress and anxiety: Mental health resources can help students better manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional concerns, which can positively impact their overall well-being.

  3. Increased attendance and engagement: Students who are struggling with mental health concerns are more likely to miss school. By promoting mental health awareness and providing resources, schools can help students overcome these challenges and increase attendance and engagement.

  4. Improved relationships: Mental health resources can help students develop positive relationships with peers and teachers, which can positively impact the school community.

  5. Preventative measures: By promoting mental health awareness, schools can help to prevent mental health problems from developing or escalating, and provide early intervention for students in need.

By promoting mental health awareness and providing resources in our schools, we can help to create a safe and supportive learning environment that promotes student success and well-being.